A document object represents various types of information or documentation, such as:

  • Identity documents (driver’s licenses, passports)
  • Contact information (phone numbers, email addresses)
  • Official documents (utility bills, reports)
  • Collections of related data
Key Characteristic

Every document object must include a country attribute, which is mandatory for all document types.

Document Object Structure

Here’s an example of a document object with detailed annotations:

2 // Mandatory field indicating the document's country of origin
3 "country": "AUS",
5 // Indicates if the document was created from a scanned source
6 "createdFromScan": true,
8 // Array containing scan-related information
9 "docScan": [
10 {
11 "ScanDelete": true,
12 "scanCreated": "2020-06-02",
13 // Base64 encoded scan data
14 "scanData": "VGhpcyBpcyBzb21lIGV4YW1wbGUgZGF0YS4...",
15 "scanDataRetrievalState": "NORMAL",
16 "scanDocId": "84a9a860-68ae-4d7d-9a53-54a1116d5051",
17 "scanFilename": "Important Document - ID1234567.pdf",
18 "scanMIME": "image/png",
19 "scanPageNum": 1,
20 "scanSide": "F",
21 "scanType": "PDF"
22 }
23 ],
25 // Unique identifier for the document
26 "documentId": "84a9a860-68ae-4d7d-9a53-54a1116d5051",
27 "documentStatus": "DOC_SCANNED",
29 // Additional metadata stored as key-value pairs
30 "extraData": [
31 {
32 "kvpKey": "Extra.Information",
33 "kvpType": "general.string",
34 "kvpValue": "123-456-789A"
35 }
36 ],
38 // Document-specific dates and identifiers
39 "idExpiry": "2020-02-01",
40 "idIssued": "1972-11-04",
41 "idNumber": "123456789",
42 "idSubType": "string",
43 "idType": "DRIVERS_LICENCE",
44 "manuallyModified": "false",
45 "region": "VIC"

Managing Scanned Documents in Business Checks

The inclusion of scanned documents in business check results depends on the documentData parameter. Here’s how to control it:

  • Includes the complete scanned document
  • Use when you need full document access
1GET https://api.frankie.one/compliance/v1.2/business/'entityId'/checks
<Accordion title="Metadata Only (documentData=meta)">
- Excludes scanned document data
- Returns only metadata
- Faster response times
GET https://api.frankie.one/compliance/v1.2/business/'entityId'/checks?documentData=meta
Performance Consideration

Including full scanned documents increases response times. Use documentData=meta when you only need metadata for faster results.

Implementation Steps


Create Organization Entity

Create an organization entity using the Create Entity API


Upload Document Scan

Upload the document scan using the Create Document API


Verify Ownership

Complete ownership verification using the Business Ownership Query API


Perform Business Check

Execute the business check with your desired documentData parameter

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