Using the Sandbox Data and API

The sandbox environment provides a controlled testing ground with predefined test data to help you validate your integration. While it closely mirrors the production environment, there are some key differences you should be aware of.

Make sure to review the available test data before starting your integration. The test data covers various scenarios to help you validate different use cases.

Key Testing Guidelines

  • Family name matching is the primary identifier in sandbox mode
  • Matching is case-insensitive
  • Example: “Smith”, “SMITH”, and “smith” are treated as equivalent

To force a successful verification for any test subject:

Set middle_name = "passall"

The sandbox supports different verification outcomes based on test data markers:

Basic Checks
  • CLEAR: Clean record
  • PEP: Politically Exposed Person
  • SANCTION: Sanctions list match
  • FRAUD: Fraud indicators present
Advanced Checks

Records marked as SKIP will fetch detailed results from an external test service, providing comprehensive response data.

Response Types Example

2 "status": "clear",
3 "verification_id": "ver_123456789",
4 "created_at": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"

For more advanced testing scenarios and error simulation, check out our guide on Forcing Errors in Test Scenarios.

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