(AUS Only) Run KYC/AML Checks on Organisation and/or Associated Individuals.


Run KYC/AML for a selection of entities associated with an organisation and/or the organisation itself based on a previous ownership query. By default AML will be checked for just the organisation itself. If a list of entity categories is given then default checks based on configuration will be run for those categories. If a check type is also provided in the request then that type will be used for entities representing individual entities, and the AML subset of that check will be used for organisations if any. If no ownership query has been run, then this operation will return an error.

NOTE: This will only return check details for an Australian Organisation that has previously called:

  • Create Business and Query UBO call (/reference/businessownershipquery)

Path parameters


The entityId returned previously from an earlier call to /check or /entity



Customer ID issued by Frankie Financial. This will never change. Your API key, which is mapped to this identity, will change over time.


If, as a Frankie Customer, you are acting on behalf of your own customers, then you can populate this field with a Frankie-assigned ID.

Note: If using a CustomerChildID, you will also need a separate api_key for each child.

Any documents, checks, entities that are created when this field has been populated will now be tied to this CustomerID + CustomerChildID combination. Just as Customers cannot see data created by other Customers, so too a Customer’s Children will not be able to see each other’s data.

A Customer can see the documents/entities and checks of all their Children.


Open string that can be used to define the “channel” the request comes in from. It can potentially be used in routing and risk calculations upon request. Default values that can be used are:

  • api
  • portal
  • smartui

Any alphanumeric string is supported though. Anything over 64 characters will be truncated.

Query parameters


When creating a new check, we need to define the checks we wish to run. If this parameter is not supplied then the check will be based on a configured check type for each entity category.

The checkType is make up of a comma separated list of the types of check we wish to run.

The order is important, and must be of the form:

  • Entity Check (if you’re running this). Choose one from the available options
  • ID Check (If you want this)
  • PEP Checks (again if you want this, choose one of the options)

Entity Checks - One of:

  • “one_plus”: Checks name, address and DoB against a minimum of 1 data source. (also known as a 1+1)
  • “two_plus”: Checks name, address and DoB against a minimum of 2 independent data sources (also known as a 2+2)

ID Checks - One of:

  • “id”: Checks all of the identity documents, but not necessarily the entity itself independently. Use this in conjunction with a one_plus or two_plus for more.

Fraud Checks - One or more of:

  • “fraudlist”: Checks to see if the identity appears on any known fraud lists. Should be run after KYC/ID checks have passed.
  • ”fraudid”: Checks external ID services to see if details appear in fraud detection services (e.g. EmailAge or FraudNet)

PEP Checks - One of:

  • “pep”: Will only run PEP/Sanctions checks (no identity verification)
  • “pep_media”: Will run PEP/Sanctions checks, as well as watchlist and adverse media checks. (no identity verification)
  • NOTE: These checks will ONLY run if either the KYC/ID checks have been run prior, or it is the only check requested.

Pre-defined combinations (deprecated):

  • “full”: equivalent to “two_plus,id,pep_media” or “pep_media” if the target is an organisation.
  • ”default”: Currently defined as “two_plus,id” or “pep” if the target is an organisation.
  • NOTE: These options are now deprecated and support for these options will be eventually halted. Please specify check_types explicitly.


  • By arrangement with Frankie you can define your own KYC check type.

This will allow you to set the minimum number of matches for:

  • name
  • date of birth
  • address
  • government id

This allows for alternatives to the “standard” two_plus or one_plus (note, these can be overridden too).


  • “profile”: By arrangement with Frankie you can have a “profile” check type that applies checks according to a profile that you assign to the entity from a predefined set of profiles.

The profile to use will be taken from the entity.entityProfile field if set, or be run through a set of configurable rules to determine which one to use.

Profiles act a little like the Pre-defined combinations above in that they can map to a defined list. But they offer a lot more besides, including rules for determining default settings, inbuild data aging and other configurable features. They also allow for a new result set top be returned that provides a more detailed and useful breakdown of the check/verification process.

Entity Profiles are the future of checks with Frankie Financial.


A comma separated list that specifies the categories of entities associated with the target organisation that will be checked.

  • organisation - Just the organisation itself.
  • ubos - All ultimate beneficial owners.
  • pseudo_ubos - Use an alternative category when an organisation has no actual UBOs. The actual category to use is defined via configuration, default is no alternative category.
  • nibos - Non-Individual Beneficial Owners
  • bos_associated - Beneficial owners that have been manually associated, rather than retrieved from registry sources
  • direct_owners - All direct owners of the company, both organisations and individuals, may include UBOs for for simple ownership.
  • officers - All officers of the company
  • officers_directors - All directors of the company
  • officers_secretaries - All secretaries of the company
  • officers_other - All non-director officers of the company
  • officers_associated - All officers of the company that were associated manually, rather than retrieved from registry sources
  • all - All direct and indirect owners, both organisations and individuals (including UBOs), and officers of all organisations.
resultLevelenumOptionalDefaults to summary

The result level allows you to specify the level of detail returned for the entity check. You can choose summary or full.

Allowed values: summaryfull

The type of human readable report, if any, to generate based on the ownership query results. Options are:

  • UBO: UBO report

Name of configured preset query parameters to use. Any individual parameters provided in the request will override the same parameter in the configured preset.


The request was valid and can potentially be fulfilled. The Frankie service has now accepted responsibility for processing and we will either push the results to you, or send you a notification, depending on the request and your configuration.


If you’re calling a processing function of some kind, a check number will be issued. This field will only be present if the function you’re calling would normally return a checkId (such as scan, verify, and compare).


When an entity is created/uploaded, or generated from a document scan, it is assigned an entityId. This can then be referenced in subsequent calls if you’re uploading more/updated data.


Short description of the function called.


Optional link that can be returned - used by the Push To Mobile service to allow API users to manage the use of the onboarding link themselves.


Unique identifier for every request. Can be used for tracking down answers with technical support.

Uses the ULID format (a time-based, sortable UUID)

Note: this will be different for every request.

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