amlResultSets are returned in the entityResult section of an entity verification.

It’s an array of amlResultSet objects, each one representing a single matched person of interest.

Each amlResultSet can contain up to 5 separate sections:

  • groupDetails

  • checkResultsListPEP

    • This is an array of (BCRO)‘s - each one detailing a separate Politically Exposed Person (PEP) result for the matched person.

    • If a person holds or has held 3 different political positions, then there will be 3 BCROs

  • checkResultsListSanctions

    • This is an array of (BCRO)‘s - each one detailing a separate Sanction List result for the matched person.

    • If a person is on 5 different sanctions lists, then there will be 5 BCROs

  • checkResultsListWatchlists

    • This is an array of (BCRO)‘s - each one detailing a separate Watchlist result for the matched person.

    • A “watchlist” is a catch-all term used to cover lists like:

      • Non-sanction criminal wanted lists
      • Corporate action list (e.g. disqualified directors)
      • Fitness and probity lists
    • As above, if a person is on 5 different watchlists, then there will be 5 BCROs

  • checkResultsListMedia

    • This is an array of (BCRO)‘s - that record all matching adverse media articles. If there are media results, then there will be 2 or more media BCROs
    • One will contain a collection of all media links.
    • One or more will contain summary data related to the media matches.
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