Release v6.28
title: “Release v6.28” slug: “changelog/release-v628” type: "" hidden: false
Added support for Australian Drivers Licence card number. From 1 September 2022, the card number on a driver licence (DL) will be a mandatory verification field for NSW, ACT, SA and TAS issued licences.
The card number is a unique identifier which is updated each time a driver’s licence is re-issued.The number can now be passed as an optional extraData Kvp when adding an Australian Drivers licence to an entity. More information on how this can be found on our AUS: Driver’s Licence documentation page
Added a document number field for driver license in Portal
- The mandatory config isn’t yet in place in Portal, so the field can be left blank
- This field isn’t displayed for VIC and QLD
- The existing verified driver licenses are uneditable by default (unless the officer intentionally wants to edit or re-verify it), to prevent forcing to enter document number for existing documents when the field becomes mandatory
Made Birth Certificate Registration Number an optional field in Portal and in the API via Equifax
Fixed an issue related to parent-child account role permissions where multiple system roles were displayed in the parent account in the user management tab
Fixed an issue where users yet-to-commence KYC were incorrectly appearing as Timeouts
- Validation added when a report type isn’t selected for generation.
- Manual PEP check option added when an entity is created without running PEP check.
- International KYB - ability to list and fetch different types of reports from a variety of jurisdictions through API. More information can be found at
- Permissions now implemented for the AML Risk Score table restricting the viewing of this table to users with AML permissions.
Smart UI
Minor Cosmetic defect fix for buddhist date to support 320 pixel devices.
Defect fix for Onfido widget requesting wrong document types:
- Supporting documents were being treated as ID Documents by BFF “External IDV” endpoints
Carousel feature implemented on entity profile screen to support smaller screens (1280px width). Users with smaller screens can now use the arrows as per screenshot below to navigate through the tabs on the Entity Profile page.