Australian Visa Entitlement Check Results

One of the checks that can be performed as part of a recipe is a Visa Entitlement Check (checkType = visa)

This will check a non-Australian passport to see if there is a known Australian visa issued to the holder, and the details of that visa, such as class/sub-class, issue, expiry dates, onshore/offshore processing, and any work entitlements.

The summary results can be found in the entityProfileResult → checkResults section.

The details of the visa entitlement can be found in the individual results for the relevant identityDocument, in this case, a non-Australian PASSPORT or VISA type document.

In that result, there will be a number of Key-Value Pairs in the resultNotes ProcessResultObject. Those keys will include the following:

Key NameValue Description
visa.applicantWhether this entity is the “Primary” or “Secondary” applicant on the visa.
visa.classThe visa class. Will be one of the values found here:
visa.subclassThe visa subclass. Will be one of the values found here: See the above list at the Home Affairs website for the complete list.
visa.grantDateThe date the visa was granted in YYYY-MM-DD format. If blank, then the visa has potentially been expired or not yet granted. See visa.expiryDate for more.
visa.expiryDateWill be one of the following: NO EXPIRY or blank - visa has no expiry, EXPIRED - visa has expired and is no longer valid, A date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
visa.locationThe location the visa was awarded. One of: onshore - the visa was granted whilst the person was in Australia, A country name - if available, the country where the visa was applied for, offshore - if the exact country of application isn’t given, then “offshore” will be returned.
entitlement.summaryA short, human readable description of the working and residential rights of the visa grantee.


An example set would look like the following:

Example CheckProcessResult
1"checkProcessResults": {
2 "checkDate": "2021-06-30T04:16:25.568Z",
3 "checkId": "9d46205b-5f23-6156-2d5e-b97adb0a390a",
4 "checkPerformedBy": "ncc",
5 "checkSource": "au-vevo",
6 "checkType": "two_plus,id",
7 "confidenceLevel": 84,
8 "providerCheckID": "ccgnujhk4iz3",
9 "resultNotes": [
10 {
11 "kvpKey": "document_matched",
12 "kvpType": "general.string",
13 "kvpValue": "Australian Visa Entitlement"
14 },
15 {
16 "kvpKey": "visa.applicant",
17 "kvpType": "general.string",
18 "kvpValue": "Primary"
19 },
20 {
21 "kvpKey": "visa.class",
22 "kvpType": "general.string",
23 "kvpValue": "B"
24 },
25 {
26 "kvpKey": "visa.subclass",
27 "kvpType": "general.string",
28 "kvpValue": "143"
29 },
30 {
31 "kvpKey": "visa.grantDate",
32 "kvpType": "general.string",
33 "kvpValue": "2019-06-05"
34 },
35 {
36 "kvpKey": "visa.expiryDate",
37 "kvpType": "general.string",
38 "kvpValue": "2024-06-06"
39 },
40 {
41 "kvpKey": "visa.location",
42 "kvpType": "general.string",
43 "kvpValue": "onshore"
44 },
45 {
46 "kvpKey": "entitlement.summary",
47 "kvpType": "general.string",
48 "kvpValue": "The visa holder has unlimited right to work in Australia"
49 },
50 {
51 "kvpKey": "document_idtype",
52 "kvpType": "general.string",
53 "kvpValue": "PASSPORT"
54 },
55 {
56 "kvpKey": "original_checksource",
57 "kvpType": "general.string",
58 "kvpValue": "Australian Visa Entitlement"
59 }
60 ],
61 "resultState": "CHECKED_SUCCESS_CLEAR"
62 },

This is how the results will look like in the FrankieOne Portal.

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