Retrieve Parent Associations

Retrieve all the parent associations for an Individual or a Business

The Retrieve Parent Associations Endpoint will allow fetching the parent associations of an entity either Business or Individual. Parent associations are where the entities are a part of the owners and officeholders either through the ASIC registry or manual association. These associations also include any associations created via the manually associated entities workflow. We can also assign the depth to which we would like to fetch the associations for example only the directly associated parent - 1 level etc.

Please note the associations will also include any deactivated entities that exist in the system as parents.




resultLevel - This determines to what level the results will be fetched in the query. The default is Full. You can assign numbers to the level you would like to retrieve association till.


1curl --request GET \
2 --url '{{entityId}}/parentAssociations?resultLevel=Full' \
3 --header 'Accept: application/json' \
4 --header 'X-Frankie-CustomerID: YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID' \
5 --header 'api_key: YOUR_API_KEY'


2 "parentAssociations": [
3 {
4 "associations": [
5 {
6 "association": "ultimate_beneficial_owner",
7 "parentId": "15b338c9-32a8-611d-86ac-ab8dff1c67db"
8 },
9 {
10 "association": "shareholder",
11 "parentId": "15b338c9-32a8-611d-86ac-ab8dff1c67db"
12 }
13 ],
14 "entityId": "7d58f272-67da-0b3c-2ec5-fd318035e8e5"
15 },
16 {
17 "associations": [
18 {
19 "association": "static_officer",
20 "parentId": "a8ed972a-6ed2-e5dc-c6e0-d72a27565bfd",
21 "roleDescriptions": ["Beneficiary"],
22 "roles": ["BEN"]
23 },
24 {
25 "association": "static_beneficial_owner",
26 "parentId": "a8ed972a-6ed2-e5dc-c6e0-d72a27565bfd"
27 }
28 ],
29 "entityId": "15b338c9-32a8-611d-86ac-ab8dff1c67db"
30 }
31 ],
32 "requestId": "01G7XNQ072CP5QZD95NFWEHXXP"

The above response contains associations of 3 entities.

  • Entity 7d58f272-67da-0b3c-2ec5-fd318035e8e5 has two types of associations with the entity ID - 15b338c9-32a8-611d-86ac-ab8dff1c67db (which is it’s parent) which are as a shareholder and a ultimate_beneficial_owner
  • Entity 15b338c9-32a8-611d-86ac-ab8dff1c67db has then subsequent assocaitions with the entity ID - a8ed972a-6ed2-e5dc-c6e0-d72a27565bfd(which is it’s parent) as a static_beneficial_owner and a static_officer
  • Entity a8ed972a-6ed2-e5dc-c6e0-d72a27565bfd has no further parent associations

So based on the resultLevel provided in the request, the response will contain the parent associations for the primary entity and the parent associations of the entities identified at each level till it reaches a point where there are no further parent associations in the identified entities.

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