Tailored insights into your customers

Ownership Insights enables you to customise how you identify and classify owners within a business entity, ensuring adherence to your unique KYC/AML policy.

Where traditionally you have been presented with fixed ownership structures you have to work around, FrankieOne empowers you to define your own thresholds and blocking criteria. This results in an ownership summary that perfectly aligns with your organisation’s risk appetite, streamlining decision-making and saving valuable time.

Key Features and Configurations

Customisable Ownership Categories

  • Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs): Individuals holding more than your defined UBO percentage threshold.
  • Blocking Entities: Entities that need to be investigated further due to your policy, insufficient data, or unsupported data, such as Non-beneficial ownership.
  • Other Owners: Owners who do not meet the UBO or Blocking Entity criteria.

Threshold Definitions

  • UBO Threshold (default 25%): Set the percentage above which an individual is classified as a UBO.
  • Blocking Threshold: Match your UBO threshold or define ‘all’ entities with a blocking reason as Blocking Entities, regardless of ownership percentage.

Default Configuration

  • UBO Threshold: 25%
  • Blocking Threshold: Matches the UBO threshold
  • All Blocking Definitions Enabled: Ensuring maximum visibility and control

For more information on setting up Ownership Insights or to enable it in your environment, please contact your FrankieOne Customer Success Manager.

Blocking Definitions

Blocking ReasonEnum ValueDescription
Organisation Not FoundORGANISATION_NOT_FOUNDVendor returns non-continuation reason COMPANY_NOT_FOUND; Cannot discover entity due to lack of information
No Shareholders FoundNO_SHAREHOLDERS_FOUNDVendor returns non-continuation reason NO_SHAREHOLDERS; Cannot discover entity due to lack of information
Country Not SupportedCOUNTRY_NOT_SUPPORTEDVendor does not support jurisdiction of entity or Returns Foreign Company (Overseas)
Non-Beneficial IndividualNON_BENEFICIAL_INDIVIDUALOwnership held by an individual on behalf of others indicated by non-beneficial shareholding
Non-Beneficial OrganisationNON_BENEFICIAL_ORGANISATIONOwnership held by an organisation on behalf of others indicated by non-beneficial shareholding
Non-Beneficial UnknownNON_BENEFICIAL_UNKNOWNOwnership held by an unknown entity type on behalf of others indicated by non-beneficial shareholding
Circular ReferenceCIRCULAR_REFERENCEEntity appears more than once on the same branch
Entity Type UnknownENTITY_TYPE_UNKNOWNVendor returns entity with Unknown entity type
OtherOTHERA Vendor blocking reason that doesn’t map to a predefined reason. The definition provided by the vendor will also be included in the response.
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