Whenever an entity is manually passed through KYC, the details of that will be found in the manualCheckResults section.

This is an array of ProcessResultObjects, but will generally only have one entry (unless for some reason the entity has been through the manual KYC process more than once, but this is extremely rare).

Each ProcessResultObject will contain the following values:

Field NameDescription
checkDateUTC timestamp as to when the entity was manually passed.
checkIdThe check Identifier for the manual pass.
checkPerformedByWill always be mkyc
checkSourceWill always be manual_kyc
checkTypeWill be the updated full list of checks that are scheduled to be run as part of the modified recipe (or as requested in an ad-hoc query)

NOTE: When selecting a manual KYC process, the service will remove such checks as “two_plus” or “id” as the manual_kyc check is designed to replace these.
providerCheckIdWill always be the same as checkId above.
resultStateWill be one of:

_ CHECKED_SUCCESS_CLEAR: manual check was run and validated without incident.

_ CHECKED_FAILED: there was an error running the manual KYC check. Ideally, this won’t occur as manual KYC checks are generally run from the portal and it will ensure that all prerequisites are in place.

The following resultNote Key-Value-Pairs will also be set.

Key NameDescription
kyc_document_id.*The documentID that was used to supply ID that was acceptable as a manual KYC requirement
messageHuman readable description of the matching requirements for Manual KYC


Example Manual Check Results
1"manualCheckResults": [
2 {
3 "checkDate": "2021-08-16T08:59:00.708Z",
4 "checkId": "535a5b76-98c4-3eb7-8c94-0f234e01e76a",
5 "checkPerformedBy": "mkyc",
6 "checkSource": "manual_kyc",
7 "checkType": "visa,namev,manual,pep",
8 "providerCheckID": "535a5b76-98c4-3eb7-8c94-0f234e01e76a",
9 "resultNotes": [
10 {
11 "kvpKey": "message",
12 "kvpType": "general.string",
13 "kvpValue": "Found 1 primary photographic ID (AUS:PASSPORT) which satisfies the ID requirements"
14 },
15 {
16 "kvpKey": "kyc_document_id.all",
17 "kvpType": "general.string",
18 "kvpValue": "2618e851-c84f-f06c-dde6-67dcf0993cd5"
19 },
20 {
21 "kvpKey": "kyc_document_id",
22 "kvpType": "general.string",
23 "kvpValue": "2618e851-c84f-f06c-dde6-67dcf0993cd5"
24 },
25 {
26 "kvpKey": "original_checksource",
27 "kvpType": "general.string",
28 "kvpValue": "manual_kyc"
29 }
30 ],
31 "resultState": "CHECKED_SUCCESS_CLEAR"
32 }
33 ],
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