Retrieve a previously requested report

Once a report has been requested the actual report is retrieved in the background and the result will be returned asynchronously. See Asynchronous Calls (Backgrounding Processes) for more details.

The report data will also be attached to the entity for retrieval at any future point of time. All the reports run are attached to a specific entity to ensure historical reports can also be retrieved if requested via the API.


Step 6 in the above asynchronous call isn’t required for this response only.

Sample Webhook Notification

Below is a sample webhook notification that will be received once the ordered report is ready to be downloaded.

Webhook Notification
2 "entityId": "dc2c0b4f-184d-e478-96fd-9033a9adaf78",
3 "function": "fetch_registry_document",
4 "functionResult": "COMPLETED",
5 "notificationType": "FUNCTION",
6 "requestId": "01GBC0Y8YKFHK8GXDWQRT0N4E4",
7 "linkReference": "",
8 "message": "registry document order fulfilled; ready for review"

The webhook notification will contain a URL to the actual data of the retrieved report. The response will contain the metadata, base 64 encoded PDF, etc.

2 "document": {
3 "country": "GBR",
4 "docScan": [
5 {
6 "scanCreated": "2022-08-26T02:50:50.027Z",
7 "scanData": "JVBERi0xLjQKJdP0zOEKMS...", // Truncated for brevity
8 "scanDataRetrievalState": "NORMAL",
9 "scanDocId": "8a8b87f8-491f-2895-982d-342aebaf8bf8",
10 "scanFilename": "kyckr-CHON_Q0hfQ29tcGFueU9mZmljaWFsc18x_MTAxOTU3NDU=",
11 "scanMIME": "application/pdf",
12 "scanType": "PDF"
13 }
14 ],
15 "documentId": "20c46451-ceb3-2c32-e027-90f7291c2b4d",
16 "documentStatus": "DOC_SCANNED",
17 "idExpiry": "0001-01-01",
18 "idIssued": "0001-01-01",
19 "idType": "COMPANY_REPORT"
20 },
21 "requestId": "01GBC130JANBG0QXA9Y4K9MJ8E"

Alternative retrieval reports

The reports can also be retrieved via making API calls at a later point of time once the reports have been successfully generated if ever required.

You will need an Entity ID previously created through the Retrieve a Business Profile

To retrieve any report against an entity follows the steps below:

  1. Call the Get Entity Details. You will need to retrieve a specific documentID from the response to the above call for the next step.
  2. Call the Retrieve Document Details
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