Status of a Document Order
Retrieve the status of a document order
This feature is in Progress
You can retrieve the status of a previously ordered report for an entity. To fetch the status and details you need to provide the requestID of the order and the entityID the order was requested for.
Request a specific report from the available list using the /business/{{entityId}}/report?requestId= endpoint.
- In the example above, replace YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID with your Customer ID and YOUR_API_Key with your API key provided by FrankieOne.
- You need to also replace the “entityId” in the URL param with the entity ID of the business that you need the reports for
- You need to also replace the param value “requestID_FROM_ORDER” with the requestID of the report that you would like to retrieve of the status of the order.
Retrieve status
The response will contain a response code if the report has been requested successfully
- requestID
- requestedDate -> The Requested Date Time (UTC format) of when the report was ordered.
- reportCode -> The report code used.
- reportStatus -> The status of the request.
- reportTitle -> The title of the report will be available after the report is completed.
- lastFetchRun -> This will tell when the report availability was checked last in Date Time (UTC format). (available only for in-progress, timed out, error orders)
- necxtFetchRun -> This will tell when the next fetch will run in Date Time (UTC format) (available only for in-progress orders)
- reportUrl -> The URL to retrieve the document(completed orders only)
Status Mapping for the field “reportStatus” and what it means
- Request Received -> The order for the report has been successfully placed.
- Waiting on Provider -> The report isn’t available yet and waiting on the provider.
- Completed -> The report is available.
- Request has timed out -> Unable to retrieve the report in the 30 days waiting period after request.
- Failed -> the request failed on the provider’s end.
- Failed to Retrieve Report -> Unable to retrieve the requested report from the provider.
Retrieving a Report
The Retrieving a Requested Report endpoint can be used to retrieve the report for completed orders.