Unique identifier of a Transaction Check Alert
Your Customer ID provided by FrankieOne
Your Customer Child ID provided by FrankieOne
Alert information
Type of the activity that was used for the check
The unique identifier for an alert that has been created when customer configuration thresholds are breached.
The unique identifier for a transaction monitoring check that was execute for a transaction
ISO-8601 format date-time that the alert was created
The unique identifier for a FrankieOne entity construct
Enum of risk assessment groupings, such as customer, device, transaction, AML, PEP as determined by the risk checking service
ISO-8601 format date-time of the time that alert was last updated
The unique identifier for a result that was returned from a transaction check
Level of risk as determined by the service.
Name of the upstream vendor of where the alert came from
Current status of an alert
ISO-8601 format date-time that the transaction occurred
The amount described in the transaction risk check
Current FrankieOne Portal user that is assigned to this user
Identifier of the device that was used for this check, this would be provided from the initial request data
A recorded activity that is/has been assessed by the Transaction Monitoring Service
Identifier for the customer transaction, only populated for financial transaction checks
The type of payment that the transaction used.
Contains any data required for authorizations by upstream services. Please contact FrankieOne Support team for whether this is required.
URL to the upstream vendor to provide more information about the transaction
The subtype of the risk check