Provide onboarding url for hosted onesdk
Customer ID issued by Frankie Financial. This will never change. Your API key, which is mapped to this identity, will change over time
If, as a Frankie Customer, you are acting on behalf of your own customers, then you can populate this field with a Frankie-assigned ID. Note: If using a CustomerChildID, you will also need a separate api_key for each child. Any documents, checks, entities that are created when this field has been populated will now be tied to this CustomerID + CustomerChildID combination. Just as Customers cannot see data created by other Customers, so too a Customer’s Children will not be able to see each other’s data. A Customer can see the documents/entities and checks of all their Children
Open string that can be used to define the ‘channel’ the request comes in from. It can potentially be used in routing and risk calculations upon request. Default values that can be used are: api portal smartui Any alphanumeric string is supported though. Anything over 64 characters will be truncated
A specific reference id for this API call
Used as a channel parameter to be sent to the IDV vendor
Consent flag for when the customer collects this from an end-user can be set as ‘true’ or ‘false’. The consent.general and KVPs will also get attached to the new entity being created. Hence, If running flowId with OCR, this must be set to true, otherwise OCR will get an error.
A customer reference or unique id that a customer would like to set for an end-user
If the end-user fails the process, the URL you would like to redirect the end-user to
there are different flowIds you can pass in depending on your use-case, please refer to the documentation for more information at ‘’ for more details
An id for the message template you want to send in the SMS. If you would like a custom template, please ask our support operations team
The country code to route the SMS to ‘+61’ or ‘+66’ for example
The end-user’s phone number. Phone code can be included with phone number or split out
if supplied will be used as the recipient name for the SMS
Type of documents to be requested for a business entity. This will only be used for a specific flowId, please refer to the documentation for more information at ‘’ for more details
Toggle to determine whether generating a link will also send the SMS to the customer, can be set as ‘true’ or ‘false’. If ‘true’ will send an SMS to the phone number supplied
Set the name of the Sender in the SMS
Set the URL to redirect upon success