Manage subscription to continuous monitoring of business details and ownership (AUS Only). To subscribe or add an entity to the watch list set the entity flag to “true”. To unsubscribe or remove an entity from the watch list the entity flag needs to be set to “false”. All new entities created are by default added to the watch list with the flag set as true.
The entityId returned previously from an earlier call to /check or /entity
Customer ID issued by Frankie Financial. This will never change. Your API key, which is mapped to this identity, will change over time.
If, as a Frankie Customer, you are acting on behalf of your own customers, then you can populate this field with a Frankie-assigned ID.
Note: If using a CustomerChildID, you will also need a separate api_key for each child.
Any documents, checks, entities that are created when this field has been populated will now be tied to this CustomerID + CustomerChildID combination. Just as Customers cannot see data created by other Customers, so too a Customer’s Children will not be able to see each other’s data.
A Customer can see the documents/entities and checks of all their Children.
Open string that can be used to define the “channel” the request comes in from. It can potentially be used in routing and risk calculations upon request. Default values that can be used are:
Any alphanumeric string is supported though. Anything over 64 characters will be truncated.
Set the value of an entity flag.
The request was valid and was successfully processed. The subscription status has been updated.
Is the ownership subscription currently active
Unique identifier for every request. Can be used for tracking down answers with technical support.
Uses the ULID format (a time-based, sortable UUID)
Note: this will be different for every request.