Data Source Codes
This list of data source codes covers the many different sources we check when verifying an identity.
As a general rule, one code will map to a single datasource. However in many cases, a data source can represent a number of combined sources. Where possible we list these individually.
Country | Source ID Code | Description |
BUILTIN | builtin | FrankieOne Internal |
MANUAL_OVERRIDE | manual_override | Manual Override |
AU | au-asic | ASIC |
AU | au-idmatrix | IDMatrix |
AU | au-efax-cdh-commercial | Equifax Commercial Credit Data Header |
AU | au-efax-cdh-consumer | Equifax Consumer Credit Data Header |
AU | au-efax-cdh-pub | Equifax Public Credit Data Header |
AU | au-efax-fraud-address | Equifax Fraud - Address |
AU | au-efax-fraud-dl | Equifax Fraud - Drivers Licence |
AU | au-efax-fraud-phone | Equifax Fraud - Phone |
AU | au-efax-fraud-pport | Equifax Fraud - Passport |
AU | au-efax-fraud-velocity | Equifax FraudCheck - Velocity |
AU | au-efax-phone | Equifax Proprietary Phone Directory |
AU | au-elec-roll | Australian Electoral Roll |
AU | au-elec-roll-hist | Australian Electoral Roll - Historical |
AU | au-expn-cdh-commercial | Experian Commercial Credit Data Header |
AU | au-gdc-commercial1 | GDC Commercial database (multiple sources) 1 |
AU | au-gdc-commercial2 | GDC Commercial database (multiple sources) 2 |
AU | au-gdc-commercial7 | GDC Commercial Database (multiple sources) 7 |
AU | au-govid1 | Australian Government ID |
AU | au-govid1-bc | Australian Gov ID - Birth Certificate |
AU | au-govid1-con | Australian Gov ID - Certificate of Name Change |
AU | au-govid1-ctl | Australian Gov ID - Centrelink Card |
AU | au-govid1-ctzn | Australian Gov ID - Citizenship |
AU | au-govid1-dl | Australian Gov ID - Drivers Licence |
AU | au-govid1-immi | Australian Gov ID - Immigration Card |
AU | au-govid1-mc | Australian Gov ID - Marriage Certificate |
AU | au-govid1-medi | Australian Gov ID - Medicare Card |
AU | au-govid1-pp | Australian Gov ID - Passport |
AU | au-govid1-visa | Australian Gov ID - Visa Check |
AU | au-govid2 | Australian Gov ID - Alt Source |
AU | au-govid2-bc | Australian Gov ID - Alt Source - Birth Certificate |
AU | au-govid2-dl | Australian Gov ID - State Direct Source - Drivers Licence |
AU | au-govid2-mc | Australian Gov ID - Alt Source - Medicare Card |
AU | au-govid2-pp | Australian Gov ID - Alt Source - Passport |
AU | au-insurance-wc | Insurance |
AU | au-ntd | Australian National Tenancy Database |
AU | au-payroll | Payroll |
AU | au-phone-pub | Australian Public Phone Directory |
AU | au-phone-scanned-dir | Australian Scanned Phone Directory |
AU | au-super | Superannuation |
AU | au-vevo | Australian VEVO |
FF | ff-blacklist | Internal Blocklist |
FF | ff-duplicate | Duplicate |
FF | ff-idvalidation | Frankie ID Validation |
FF | ff-manualkyc | Manual KYC |
AR | ar-afip | AFIP (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos) |
AR | ar-renaper | RENAPER |
AT | at-ec-vies | Euro Commission VIES |
AT | at-consumer1 | Consumer DB 1 |
AT | at-cdh-commercial | Credit Header Data. |
BE | be-cham-com | Chamber of Commerce |
BE | be-ec-vies | Euro Commission VIES |
BE | be-commercial1 | Commercial Activity Database |
BE | be-consumer1 | Consumer Database (Govt Sources) |
BE | be-consumer2 | Consumer Database (Commercial) |
BE | be-bankruptcy | Bankruptcy Database |
BE | be-phone1 | Phonebook Data |
BE | be-phone2 | Mobile Phone Data |
BR | br-veh-rego | Vehicle Registration |
BR | br-rec-fed | Receita Federal |
BR | br-elecroll | Electors Database |
BR | br-retirees | Retiree Registry |
BR | br-city-job | City Employee Databases |
BR | br-fed-job | Federal Employee Databases |
BR | br-military-job | Military Employee Databases |
BR | br-sus | Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) |
BR | br-elem-school | Public Elementary School |
BR | br-commercial1 | E-Com Activity Database |
BR | br-commercial2 | Commercial Activity Database |
BR | br-electric | Electric Company |
BR | br-chd | Credit Header Data |
BR | br-telco-land | Landline Telco |
BR | br-telco-mobile1 | Mobile Telco 1 |
BR | br-telco-mobile2 | Mobile Telco 2 |
BR | br-telco-mobile3 | Mobile Telco 3 |
CA | ca-chd | Credit Header Data |
CA | ca-telco | Phonebook Database |
CA | ca-commercial1 | Commercial Database |
CH | ch-commercial1 | Commercial Database |
CH | ch-consumer1 | Consumer Database |
CH | ch-chd | Credit Header Data |
CL | cl-nis | National Institute of Statistics |
CN | cn-bankcard | China Bank Card |
CN | cn-nationalid | China National ID |
CN | cn-unionpay | China Unionpay |
CN | cn-phone | China National Phone |
CO | co-dane | National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) |
CZ | cz-ec-vies | Euro Commission VIES |
CZ | cz-biz-register | Business Registries |
DE | de-gov2 | Government Databases |
DE | de-consumer1 | Consumer Database 1 |
DE | de-consumer2 | Consumer Database 2 |
DE | de-cdh-public1 | Public Credit Credit Data 1 |
DE | de-cdh-public2 | Public Credit Credit Data 2 |
DK | dk-cpr | CPR Register |
DK | dk-ec-vies | Euro Commission VIES |
DK | dk-consumer1 | Consumer Database |
ES | es-gov-pub | Public Gov Database |
ES | es-aeat | Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (AEAT) |
ES | es-census | Census and Borme Database |
ES | es-telco1 | Commercial Phonebook Database |
ES | es-deceased | Deceased Notices |
ES | es-sgda | SGDA Database |
FI | fi-vrk | Population Register Centre (Väestörekisterikeskus, VRK) |
FI | fi-ec-vies | Euro Commission VIES |
FI | fi-consumer1 | Conumer and Public Register |
FI | fi-teco | Phonebook Database. |
FR | fr-rego-consumer | Consumer & Car Registration |
FR | fr-commercial1 | Commercial Activity Database 1 |
FR | fr-commercial2 | Commercial Activity Database 2 |
FR | fr-consumer1 | Consumer Database 1 |
FR | fr-consumer2 | Postal Service & Consumer |
FR | fr-consumer3 | Consumer Database 3 |
FR | fr-consumer4 | Consumer Database 4 |
FR | fr-telco1 | Phonebook & Loyalty Database |
FR | fr-telco2 | Phonebook Database |
FR | fr-postal | Postal Service (La Poste) |
GB | gb-rolling-elecroll | Rolling Register of the Electoral Roll |
GB | gb-ec-vies | Euro Commission VIES |
GB | gb-elecroll | Electoral Roll |
GB | gb-regtrust | Registry Trust |
GB | gb-propscot | Property Ownership Registers of Scotland. |
GB | gb-insolvancy | Insolvency Service Database |
GB | gb-company-house | Companies House Shareholder File |
GB | gb-expn-chd | Credit Header Data (Experian UK) |
GB | gb-consumer1 | Consumer Database 1 |
GB | gb-telco-land | Phonebook Database - Landline |
GB | gb-telco1 | Telco Database 1 |
GB | gb-telco2 | Telco Database 2 |
GB | gb-telco3 | Telco Database 3 |
GB | gb-telco4 | Telco Database 4 |
GI | gi-telco | Telco Database 1 |
HK | hk-property | Property Records |
HK | hk-chd | Credit Header Data |
ID | id-nationalid-resident | Indonesia Resident Id Card |
IE | ie-gov-db | Government Databases |
IN | in-dl | India Drivers Licence |
IN | in-nationalid-epic | India National ID - EPIC |
IN | in-nationalid-pan | India National ID - PAN |
KH | kh-consumer1 | Cambodia Consumer Data |
IT | it-ec-vies | Euro Commission VIES |
IT | it-chamcom | Chamber of Commerce |
IT | it-housing | Housing and Real Estate Registry |
IT | it-protesti | Protesti (Court Registers) |
IT | it-phone | Phonebook Database |
IT | it-consumer1 | Consumer Database 1 |
IT | it-elec | Electric Utilities |
IT | it-chd | Credit Header Data |
IT | it-antifraud | Commercial Credit Data |
IT | it-telco-land | Phonebook - Landline |
KE | ke-citizen | Government Citizenship Data |
LU | lu-ec-vies | Euro Commission VIES |
LU | lu-telco | Phonebook Database |
MX | mx-gov-db | Government Data |
MX | mx-property | Property and Commercial Database |
MX | mx-media | Media Database |
MY | my-credit1 | Malaysia Credit Bureau |
MY | my-nationalid | Malaysia National ID |
NG | ng-govid-dl | Driver’s License Data |
NG | ng-govid-nimc | National Identity Management Commission |
NG | ng-govid-id | National ID database |
NG | ng-govid-bio | Biometric Verification Database |
NG | ng-bank | Nigeria Bank Account Verification |
NL | nl-kadaster | Kadaster (Gov Property Registry) |
NL | nl-ec-vies | Euro Commission VIES |
NL | nl-commercial1 | Commercial Database 1 |
NL | nl-commercial2 | Commercial Database 2 |
NL | nl-consumer1 | Consumer Database 1 |
NL | nl-credcheck | Credit Check Database |
NL | nl-chd-commercial | Credit and COmmercial Data |
NL | nl-telco | Phonebook Database |
NO | no-consumer1 | Consumer Database 1 |
NO | no-telco1 | Phonebook Database |
NZ | nz-companies-office | New Zealand Companies Registry |
NZ | nz-cx-smartid | Centrix SmartID (Comprehensive Bureau check) |
NZ | nz-cx-smartidlite | Centrix SmartID Lite (Bureau check) |
NZ | nz-cx-consumer1 | Centrix Consumer Database |
NZ | nz-cx-energyaccount | New Zealand Retail Energy Account |
NZ | nz-cx-creditbureau1 | New Zealand Credit Bureau (Centrix) |
NZ | nz-cx-creditacc1 | New Zealand Credit Account (Centrix) |
NZ | nz-cx-creditaccbank | New Zealand Credit Account - Bank (Centrix) |
NZ | nz-cx-creditaccutil | New Zealand Credit Account - Utility (Centrix) |
NZ | nz-cx-creditaccfin | New Zealand Credit Account - Finance (Centrix) |
NZ | nz-cx-creditaccbnpl | New Zealand Credit Account - BNPL (Centrix) |
NZ | nz-dia | New Zealand Gov ID |
NZ | nz-efx-idplus | Equifax New Zealand IdentityPlus |
NZ | nz-dia-dl | New Zealand Drivers Licence (DIA) |
NZ | nz-dia-pp | New Zealand Passport (DIA) |
NZ | nz-dia-birth | New Zealand Birth Registration (DIA) |
PH | ph-nationalid | Philippines National ID |
PL | pl-chd-commercial | Credit and Commercial Database |
PT | pt-ec-vies | Euro Commission VIES |
PT | pt-consumer1 | Consumer Database 1 |
PT | pt-consumer2 | Consumer Database 2 |
PT | pt-telco | Phonebook Database |
SE | se-spar | SPAR Register |
SE | se-consumer1 | Consumer Database 1 |
SE | se-consumer2 | Consumer Database 2 |
SG | sg-chd | Credit Header Data |
SK | sk-business | Government Business Register |
TH | th-nationalid | Thailand National ID |
US | us-school | School Data |
US | us-commercial1 | Mobile, Utility and Credit Databases |
US | us-commercial2 | Credit, Voter, Property Databases |
US | us-commercial3 | Government, Credit, Proprietary Databases |
VN | vn-nationalid | Vietnam National ID |
VN | vn-socialsecurity | Vietnam Social Security |