All errors returned from the FrankieOne API will be wrapped up in a standard format error object.


The ErrorObject consists of the following attributes:

  • ErrorCode: One of the standard error codes (see below)
  • ErrorMsg: A human-readable message describing the error
  • HttpStatusCode: The HTTP result code
  • Issues: An array of additional error helpers, used to define where errors have occurred. Each element in the array consist of:

Issue: This is a description of the issue.

IssueLocation: The location in the payload or process where the issue was found/occurred.

Error Object
2 "commit":"2af478ed"
3 "errorCode":"CORE-5990"
4 "errorMsg":"Everything went kaflooey. Stay clam."
5 "httpStatusCode":501
6 "issues":[
7 {
8 "issue":"Invalid format. Must be YYYY-MM-DD"
9 "issueLocation":"dateOfBirth"
10 }
11 ]
12 "requestId":"01BFJA617JMJXEW6G7TDDXNSHX"

See the Full List of Error Codes

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