Testing Error Scenarios

This guide explains how to deliberately trigger error scenarios in your test environment. We’ll cover two main testing approaches:

  1. Forcing credit header failures
  2. Forcing non-ID check failures

Simulating Credit Header Failures

You can simulate credit bureau failures by using specific street names in your test payload.

To force a credit header failure, simply set the street name in the address to one of the following bureau names:

  • Equifax
  • Experian

The service will then return a failed credit header response for the specified bureau.

Credit Header Failure Example
2 "entity": {
3 "entityProfile": "default",
4 "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
5 "name": {
6 "familyName": "KINSELLA",
7 "middleName": "JOHN",
8 "givenName": "ERIC"
9 },
10 "dateOfBirth": {
11 "dateOfBirth": "1952-02-28"
12 },
13 "addresses": [
14 {
15 "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL1",
16 "country": "AUS",
17 "streetNumber": "17",
18 "streetName": "Experian", // [!code highlight] This will trigger an Experian credit header failure
19 "streetType": "STREET",
20 "suburb": "",
21 "town": "ELLIOT",
22 "state": "VIC",
23 "postalCode": "3104"
24 }
25 ],
26 "extraData": [
27 {
28 "kvpKey": "consent.general",
29 "kvpValue": "true",
30 "kvpType": "general.bool"
31 },
32 {
33 "kvpKey": "consent.docs",
34 "kvpValue": "true",
35 "kvpType": "general.bool"
36 },
37 {
38 "kvpKey": "consent.creditheader",
39 "kvpValue": "true",
40 "kvpType": "general.bool"
41 },
42 {
43 "kvpKey": "customer_reference",
44 "kvpValue": "20210531_2020",
45 "kvpType": "id.external"
46 }
47 ],
48 "identityDocs": [
49 {
50 "country": "AUS",
51 "idType": "DRIVERS_LICENCE",
52 "idNumber": "028021259",
53 "region": "VIC"
54 }
55 ]
56 }

Testing ID-Only Verification

This scenario is useful when testing cases where a user should only pass based on their ID verification.

To force all non-ID checks to fail:

  1. Set the middle name to FailNonID
  2. Ensure all ID-related fields (name, date of birth, ID details) are correct
  3. Submit the payload
ID-Only Verification Example
2 "entity": {
3 "entityProfile": "default",
4 "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
5 "name": {
6 "familyName": "KINSELLA",
7 "middleName": "FailNonID", // [!code highlight] This triggers non-ID check failures
8 "givenName": "ERIC"
9 },
10 // ... rest of the payload remains the same
11 }

For ID-only verification to work properly, ensure that:

  • The name matches the ID exactly
  • The date of birth is correct
  • All ID details (number, type, region) are valid

These test scenarios are available in both Demo and UAT environments.

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