An Entity Object is a core data structure that stores and manages information about individuals or businesses for verification purposes.

Think of an Entity as a digital representation of a real person or business, containing all their relevant information in a structured format.

Key Components

  • entityId: Unique identifier (UUID)
  • entityType: Type of entity (INDIVIDUAL or BUSINESS)
  • entityProfile: Profile configuration string
  • Name components (given name, family name, etc.) - Date of birth information
  • Gender - Addresses
  • Supports multiple address records
  • Stores identity documents
  • Allows custom data via extraData field

Document Storage

Entities can contain zero or more Document Objects. These documents are directly accessible and manageable within the entity structure.

Example Implementation

Here’s a comprehensive example of an Entity Object:

Entity Object Example
2 "entityId": "84a9a860-68ae-4d7d-9a53-54a1116d5051", // Unique identifier
3 "entityProfile": "string", // Profile configuration
4 "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL", // Entity type (INDIVIDUAL/BUSINESS)
5 "name": {
6 "displayName": "Jane Cecily Smith", // Full formatted name
7 "familyName": "Smith",
8 "givenName": "Jane",
9 "honourific": "Duchess",
10 "middleName": "Cecily"
11 },
12 "dateOfBirth": {
13 "dateOfBirth": "1978-11-12", // ISO 8601 format
14 "country": "AUS",
15 "locality": "Brisbane",
16 "yearOfBirth": "1978"
17 },
18 "addresses": [
19 // Additional address fields...
20 {
21 "addressId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
22 "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL1", // Address classification
23 "buildingName": "Tower of Babel",
24 "country": "TST",
25 "postalCode": "123-TST",
26 "longForm": "42a Test Eagle Road, Testville, TST 123-TST, Testalia"
27 }
28 ],
29 "gender": "F",
30 "extraData": [
31 {
32 "kvpKey": "Extra.Information", // Custom key-value pairs
33 "kvpType": "general.string",
34 "kvpValue": "123-456-789A"
35 }
36 ],
37 "identityDocs": [
38 // Document-specific fields...
39 {
40 "documentId": "84a9a860-68ae-4d7d-9a53-54a1116d5051",
41 "documentStatus": "DOC_SCANNED",
42 "idType": "DRIVERS_LICENCE"
43 }
44 ]

Key Sections Explained

Name Structure

Contains both formatted display name and individual name components for flexible usage.

Address Management

Supports multiple addresses with comprehensive location details and date ranges.

Identity Documents

Stores document metadata and scanned content with support for multiple document types.

Extra Data

Flexible key-value storage for additional information not covered by standard fields.

Ensure all date fields follow ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) for consistency and compliance.

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