The Retry flow enables users to review and correct their submitted information when verification is partially successful. This feature improves verification success rates by allowing users to fix errors or provide additional information.

Flow Overview


Initial Verification

User submits their information through the standard flow (Personal → Document → Review)


Partial Success

If verification is partially successful, show the Partial Result screen


Retry Option

User can review and update their information through the Retry flow


Additional Information

System may request extra data based on specific failure scenarios


1const retry = oneSdk.component("form", {
2 name: "RETRY",
3 type: "manual",
6// Create failure result component with custom messaging
7const result_fail = oneSdk.component("form", {
8name: "RESULT",
9type: "manual",
10state: 'FAIL',
11title: { label: 'Max attempt reached' },
12descriptions: [
13{ label: 'You have reached all the attempts. Our officer will review your details and get in touch.' },
14{ label: 'Please close the browser' }
16cta: { label: 'Close' }
19// Track retry attempts
20let count = 0;
22// Handle partial form results
23review.on("form:result:partial", async () => {
24if (count < 2) {
25// Allow retry if under max attempts
27count += 1;
28} else {
29// Show final error when max attempts reached

Smart Retry Behavior

Triggered when KYC check results in a partial match and the user hasn’t modified their personal details.

Previous address form screenshot
Previous Address Form

This flow:

  1. Detects partial KYC match
  2. Checks if personal details remained unchanged
  3. Prompts for previous address
  4. Uses additional data to improve verification chances

Triggered when KYC passes but ID verification fails, and the user hasn’t modified their ID details.

Additional ID form screenshot
Additional ID Form

This flow:

  1. Detects successful KYC but failed ID verification
  2. Checks if ID details remained unchanged
  3. Prompts for alternative ID document
  4. Resubmits for verification

Best Practices

Retry Limits

Implement a maximum retry count to prevent endless attempts:

1if (retryCount < 2) {
2 partial.mount(appContainer);
3} else {
4 failed.mount(appContainer);
User Experience
  • Clear error messaging
  • Intuitive navigation
  • Progress indication
  • Helpful prompts for additional information

Remember to handle edge cases such as: - Network failures during verification

  • Timeout scenarios - Maximum retry limit reached - Invalid or corrupt document uploads

Common Integration Points

1review.on("form:review:partial", async () => {
2 // Handle partial success scenario
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