Notifications & Webhooks

FrankieOne provides real-time notifications through webhooks to keep your systems updated about important events and changes.

To set up webhooks, have your designated contact email You can configure up to three separate endpoint collections for:

  • Background function notifications
  • Risk change events
  • Check process results

Notification Triggers

Background Process Completion

Triggered when a background request (using X-Frankie-Background: 1 header) completes.

Entity State Changes

Triggered when an entity’s state changes (for example, UNCHECKED → PASS, FAIL → PASS).

Risk Level Changes

Triggered when an entity’s risk level changes (for example, LOW → HIGH, NULL → LOW).

A single API request may trigger multiple notifications. For example, a background entity verification request could generate three webhooks: 1. Final risk score change 2. Final status change 3. Background process completion

Webhook Structure

Endpoint Format

FrankieOne appends the requestID to your configured webhook endpoint:{requestID}

Payload Examples

2 "checkId": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
3 "entityId": "12345678-1234-1234-4321-123487650912",
4 "function": "UpdateCheckEntity",
5 "functionResult": "COMPLETED",
6 "notificationType": "EVENT",
7 "requestId": "01EKVV810DC7NJEC97BAQJZXWR"

Handling Notifications


Receive the Webhook

Your endpoint should respond with a 200 or 202 HTTP status code to acknowledge receipt.


Process the Notification Type

Check the notificationType and function fields to determine the appropriate action.


Retrieve Additional Data

For background operations, call the /retrieve endpoint with the provided requestID.

When can I `/retrieve` Data?

You can access cached API responses via the /retrieve/{requestID} endpoint for 7 days. You can retrieve RequestIDs in two cases:

  1. Background/async calls that generate a FUNCTION webhook notification
  2. Regular synchronous API calls with a response

Follow Up (if needed)

For state/risk changes, you may want to query additional information using:

  • GET /document/{id}/checks
  • GET /entity/{id}/checks

Additional Security (JWT Authentication)

We secure notification payloads through HTTPS and firewall IP whitelisting. You can also sign your requests with JSON Web Tokens to add an additional layer of security and verify message validity. Contact support to enable JWT verification for your account.

Retry Mechanism

When webhook delivery fails to more than half of the configured endpoints:

  • The system retries delivery every 15 minutes, with up to 50 retries.
  • If all 50 retries fail, the message moves to a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) and notifies our support team

Webhook Notification Function Names

Webhook functionReference/Definition
AssociatedEntityStatusChangeUsed when there’s a change to an associated entity
BlacklistEntitySet Entity Blacklist State
BusinessDocumentCatalogue(International) List available documents in catalogue
BusinessOwnershipQuery(AUS Only) Create Business Entity and Query UBO
BusinessOwnershipSubscription(AUS Only) Subscribe or unsubscribe to continuous monitoring of business details and ownership
CheckOrganisation(AUS Only) Run KYC/AML Checks on Organisation and/or Associated Individuals
CheckTransactionRiskWhen asynchronous KYT transaction check has been sent, this notification is sent when the check has been successfully processed
CreateAssociateEntity(AUS Only) Make a new entity a direct associated entity of a parent organisation
CreateCheckEntityCreate and Verify Entity
CreateCheckEntityPushToMobileCreate Entity and Push Self-Verification Link
CreateDocumentCreate New Document
CreateEntityCreate New Entity
CreateEntityGetIDVTokenCreate Entity and Get IDV Token
CreateProcessIndustryUtilityDocumentCreate Document and Run Utility Price Comparison
DeleteDocumentDelete Document
DeleteEntityDelete Entity
DeleteEntityAssociation(AUS Only) Remove a previously created association between an entity (otherId) and a parent organisation (entityId)
EntityMonitoringSet Entity Ongoing AML Monitoring Status
EntityProfileChangeWhen there’s a change to an entity profile recipe
EntityRiskChangeWhen an entity risk score changes
EntityStatusChangeWhen an entity overall status changes
FlagDuplicateEntityResolve Duplicate States
InternationalBusinessProfile(International) Retrieve a business profile from any country
InternationalBusinessSearch(International) Search for a business from any country
notifyResultPush Notification Payload
OrderBusinessDocument(International) Order document from catalogue
QueryDocumentRetrieve Document Details
QueryDocumentChecksRetrieve Document Verification Check Details
QueryDocumentFullRetrieve Document and Scan Data
QueryEntityRetrieve Entity Details
QueryEntityFullRetrieve Entity Details and Document Scan Data
QueryOwnershipChecks(AUS Only) Retrieve previous UBO query results
QueryParentAssociations(AUS Only) Retrieve all the parent associations for an Individual or a Business
RetrieveResult(Re)retrieve Response Result
RunBusinessReports(AUS Only) Run Report against a new or existing organisation entity
SearchDocumentSearch For a Document [Beta]
StatusCheckService Status
UpdateAssociateEntity(AUS Only) Make an existing entity (otherId) a directly associated entity of a parent organisation (entityId), or update an existing association
UpdateCheckEntityUpdate Entity and Verify Details
UpdateCheckEntityPushToMobileUpdate Entity and Push Self-Verification Link
UpdateDocumentUpdate Existing Document
UpdateEntityUpdate Existing Entity
UpdateEntityGetIDVTokenUpdate Entity and Get IDV Token
UpdateEntityStateWhen you manually override the result of an entity in Portal, the entity status will change, and this notification will be sent to your webhook
UpdateEvaluateEntityUpdate Entity and evaluate current results and risk without running any new checks
UpdateProcessIndustryUtilityDocumentUpdate Document and Run Utility Price Comparison
UpdateProcessIndustryUtilityDocumentConsentProvide Explicit Consent to Switch Utility Plans
UpdateProcessIndustryUtilityDocumentSwitchInitiate Switching of Utility Plan
UpdateTransactionCaseThe notification is sent when a change in status/resolution for an Alert occurs -
UpdateVerifyDocumentUpdate and Verify Document
VerifyDocumentCreate and Verify Document
WatchlistEntitySet Entity Watchlist State
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