Working With Addresses

Key Requirements

Address ID Required

Always include the addressId when updating addresses. You can retrieve it using the GET /entity endpoint.

Country Code Required

The country field is mandatory and must use ISO-3166-alpha-3 codes (e.g., USA, AUS, GBR).

Available Address Types

We support several address types to help with processing and validation:

Address Types
1type AddressType = | "RESIDENTIAL1" //
2Primary current address | "RESIDENTIAL2" // Previous address | "POSTAL" //
3Mailing address

The legacy RESIDENTIAL type will be removed in the next major API version. Use RESIDENTIAL1 instead.

Address Structure Options

Using structured addresses provides better matching results and improved data quality.

unitNumberstringUnit/apartment/suite number
streetNumberstringStreet number (can be alphanumeric, e.g., “3A”)
streetNamestringName of the street
streetTypestringStreet type (e.g., Road, St, Ave)
townstringTown/city name
suburbstringSuburb (optional, use only if different from town)
statestringState abbreviation (e.g., VIC, TX)
regionstringCounty/province (optional)
postalCodestringPostal/ZIP code
countrystringISO-3166-alpha-3 country code
2 "addresses": [{
3 "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL1",
4 "country": "AUS",
5 "postalCode": "2000",
6 "state": "NSW",
7 "streetName": "Main",
8 "streetNumber": "42",
9 "streetType": "Street",
10 "town": "Sydney",
11 "unitNumber": "1"
12 }]

Option 2: Long-Form Address

Use this format when structured address data isn’t available.
2 "addresses": [
3 {
4 "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL1",
5 "country": "AUS",
6 "longForm": "LEVEL 8, 417 ST KILDA ROAD, MELBOURNE, VIC, 3004"
7 }
8 ]

Street Address Flexibility

While the streetName field is flexible and can contain combined address elements, we recommend separating address components when possible:

  • ✅ Preferred: Separate streetNumber, streetName, and streetType
  • ⚠️ Acceptable: Combined in streetName

Additional Resources

ISO Country Codes Reference

View the complete list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes

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