The FrankieOne API returns all errors in a standard format error object.
The ErrorObject consists of the following attributes:
- ErrorCode: One of the standard error codes (see below)
- ErrorMsg: A human-readable message describing the error
- HttpStatusCode: The HTTP result code
- Issues: An array of additional error helpers, used to define where errors have occurred. Each element in the array consist of:
Issue: This is a description of the issue.
IssueLocation: Identifies where in the payload or process the issue occurred.
Full List of Error Codes
The FrankieOne standard ErrorObject has a field called “ErrorCode” which is made up of a prefix and a 4 digit number.
The prefix is the Issue Location and describes the system domain, layer, or service where the issue has occurred.
Note on Error Codes
The 4-digit number is the error code itself. These are shared across all domains.
The tables below will describe the issue locations and error codes. In a number of cases, it suggests you contact the developer support team for further assistance. If this is the case, see here: Contacting Developer Support
In the API responses the error number will come combined with the issue code for example ENT-1065
or VAL-1010