Profile Status and Issue Tags

Customer profiles are tagged with a status to indicate the outcome of the checks that have been run against that customer.

The status applied to a customer indicates whether the customer has been able to successfully pass the required checks, and therefore onboard.

Profile Statuses

The following table outlines all of the profile statuses and their meaning.

Profile Status TagDescription
PassedThe customer has passed all checks that are required as part of the recipe. No further action is required.
Manually PassedThe customer has passed all checks that are required as part of the recipe after manual user action has been undertaken.

Example: False positive PEP match
Needs AttentionIssue has been identified by FrankieOne and the profile requires manual review.
FailedIssues have been identified by FrankieOne and the customer has been prevented from onboarding. Manual review is required.
Manually FailedIssues have been identified after manual review, manual user action has been undertaken, and the customer has been prevented from onboarding.
UncheckedThe customer has been created; however, checks are still pending. Various root causes.
ArchivedIn an Archive state, it will leave the selected customer record as accessible but won’t display in the default Onboarding page. We suggest using this feature when putting customers aside that you aren’t actively worked on, but might want to keep in your system as a record.
InactiveFrom the Archived state you can move a customer to the Inactivate state. This will effectively render the customer to a permanently archived state. This means all indexes will also be removed.

Profile Issues

Issues let you see at a glance from the Onboarding list why a profile hasn’t Passed, to help you decide what action needs to be taken on this customer profile.

Customer profiles with the status Needs Attention, Failed, or Manually Failed will display at least one issue in the issue list.

Issues TagDescription
KYCKnow Your Customer (Identity Verification)
The customer hasn’t passed the KYC ruleset
A potential match has been found against a Sanctions list
Issues have been identified with the Biometric and ID Scan. Note Biometrics also has the three images issues detailed below
An error has occurred during the check process. Re-run checks to try again.
SCORERisk Score Unacceptable
The FrankieOne risk assessment has identified that the score is of an unacceptable level
PEPPolitically Exposed Persons
A potential match has been found on a Politically Exposed Persons list
A potential match has been found on a Watchlist
A potential match has been found against an Adverse Media list
A potential match has been found against an industry or managed fraud list/service
A potential match has been found against your internal blocklist
A potential duplicate has been found with an existing customer profile in your system
A potential risk-based issue has been identified for review. This is based on your risk configuration.
A potential issue with a support document has been identified. Note you do need to have Support Documents enabled as part of your checks.
Digital IDDigital ID
A potential digital ID issue has been identified. Note you do need to have Digital ID checks enabled please talk with your Customer Success manager to find out more

Biometrics Issues

Biometrics label = biometrics checks have NOT been run and they’re expected to run

Biometrics graphic images as issues = biometrics checks have been run and an issue with one of the reports has been identified

Document report issue type

Facial score issue type

OCR issue type

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