Review and resolve potential AML matches

If a new customer has a potential AML match, this guide will show you how to review and resolve it

Issue Tags

If a new customer has a potential AML match, their profile will show one or more of the following issue tags in the Onboarding List:

Issues TagDescription
SSanctions - A potential match has been found against a Sanctions list
PEPPolitically Exposed Persons - A potential match has been found on a Politically Exposed Persons list
WLWatchlist - A potential match has been found on a Watchlist
AMAdverse media - A potential match has been found against an Adverse Media list

The customer’s overall profile status will be either Failed or Needs Attention depending on the severity of the potential AML match found.

The Check Summary on the Overview tab will also show a Failed PEP/Sanctions check.

Clicking Resolve will open the PEP/Sanctions tab.

View potential AML matches

Navigate to the AML Screening tab within the Customer Profile.

All potential matches will be listed in the AML search results table:

Review Details of an AML match

Click a potential match to open and view the details to manually review and make a decision if this is a True Positive Match or a False Positive Match.

Change the Match Status

Once a decision has been made, update the match status to either confirm the match or mark it as a false positive.

The updated Match Status will now be reflected in the search results table and the overall profile result will be updated to Manually Failed or Manually Passed depending on the results of other required checks.

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